1. Alder Way 110 m      (64m)

About 70 alders line the left hand side of this hole. There is a clump of trees and shrubs on the right after 75m which stops the hyzer route. At that point the fairway is very narrow but then fans out, so it is important to have your drive go "all the way". If you have the power and accuracy throw a slightly overstable disc to go straight through the gap and then fade left to the hole.

2. Corylus Ambush 93 m     (82m)

There are 3 clumps of trees ready to block your drive and 3 individual tree pens close to the hole waiting to ambush your disc. The trees are Corylus Purpurea (purple hazel). This hole suits a left handed shot fading to the right. For right handers a reverse S curve is preferred.

3. Straight & Narrow 97 m    (81m)

There is an OB hedge to the left and clump of trees in the middle and an OB enclosure just before the hole. A left hander can throw down the fairway and fade right into the hole. A right hander can throw a slight roll curve to the right with an overstable disc to fade left at the end.

4. Byre Stream 57 m

This crosses the stream by the byre (shed). There is an avenue of Cypress trees which pretty much force this to be a straight shot. The direct drive is definitely the preferred option and yielded the first hole in one on a basket at this course (Derek Robins with a Roc). This hole has been shortened by 20m to make room for a practice area.

5. Helen's Myre 94 m    (76m)

This hole was sponsored by Helen Myers and is nicely framed from the tee by a gap in the hedge. It is easily the squelchiest hole on the course as the stream diffuses. The hole is close to the course boundary and whilst most favour the hyzer route, a little extra lift can send your disc into the field.

6. Badger's R' Us 99 m    (87m)

Badgers were suspected to frequent this hole and there is an annoying little OB enclosure very close to the basket which might cause you to exclaim something sounding like 'R'us. The tee has now been moved to an elevated position in the top field. The basket is visible through a gap in the hedge on the other side of the stream.. Three trees block the gentle hyzer, and you can choose to play either side of them.

7. Swannee River 85 m

This hole has the best view of the river and swans are often visible. Possibly the best chance for a hole in one. This is a hyzer shot, but you need to be sure that your disc will fade left otherwise it will end up in the river.

8. Avon Calling 78 m   (66m)

The Avon is on the left for the whole way and it cuts in towards the hole. Sam Neilson aced this when it was a post. It is not long but people tend to play it short because if you drive the full length the river comes into play more and there is OB on the right after 70m. Some people play roll curves and some play skip shots but I prefer the straight drive.

9. Oblong Obleft  89 m   (79m)

There is OB left and long on this hole. The green is well protected on a bank lying between two OB areas. The only option for attacking the hole is the reverse S curve flight, aiming right of the hole with a slight roll curve, but then fading left.

10. River Ride 82 m    (67m)

This hole starts from the top of the bank and aims directly towards the river through a "ride" in the trees. With a steady nerve and straight throw, this can be an easy deuce, but it is very easy to get into trouble with big dogwood bushes left and right, and the river lying 5m past the basket. Before you get to those hazards you have to negotiate a narrow gap in the hedge just 10m from the tee. Sponsored by Tone and Hannah.

11. 'long the River 106 m   (86m)

This is the longest hole on the course and initially goes alongside the river. In 2004 the basket was moved away from the river and into the wood. A narrow fairway has been cut in the wood to provide a direct view of the target. This hole is very difficult to drive and the percentage shot is to play short and leave an approach through the narrow fairway. The rich soil and moist ground make this hole liable to be overgrown with hogweed and nettles.

12. Cedar View 77 m

One of the few roll curve drives on the course, but you certainly don't want your disc to roll when it hits the bank, because it will end up at the bottom of the steep slope. If you go to the top of the slope you will get a superb view of the wood and the Avon valley. There is OB on the left and poplars block any approach from the right, so you will need a gentle roll curve to attack the hole. Sponsored by Cap'n Snap a.k.a Michael Conger.

13. Snake Bites 102 m    (90m)

There used to be a fence on the right and when it was erected the workmen found a grass snake sunning itself on the bank by the tee. Between the fence and the hedge is a narrow fairway and there were two "bites" taken out of it - tree enclosures. This is probably the toughest drive on the course. There is a clump of elder on the right which catches many drives. Straight drive required

14. Roc or Roll 102 m   (87m)

The ideal shot is a Roc on a gentle roll curve or the equally effective and much safer roller. If you fade left there is big trouble - a hedge then a steep drop. An OB enclosure starts at 80m on the rightand will punish any slightly wayward shot on the right.

15. Blackdown the Hill 102 m  (86m)

This hole starts by the Blackdown clinic and goes downhill toward the stream. It is a long tough hole with a steep drop off behind the green and is very well protected by an OB enclosure immediately to the front-left of the basket. There is a mandatory 10m from the tee, forcing you to play underneath an oak tree. There is a gamble in trying to get good distance by aiming close to the top of the low ceiling.

16. The Nipple 84 m

Renamed as "The Nipple" due to the domed green. This hole heads slightly uphill towards the clinic. You can go left right or straight at this hole but there is an OB enclosure on the right of the fairway. You need a precise throw to find the route to the hole.

17. Park Avenue 102 m   (91m)

This hole has a parkland feel to it with specimen trees on each side of the fairway and at 80m there is a big OB enclosures on the right and dense trees and shrubs on the left which form a narrowing avenue towards the hole. This is not quite the longest hole on the course but it is uphill and plays longer than any other hole on the course. Most people cannot drive this hole and those who want to try are advised to play safe with a roller.

18. Beech Hut 103 m    (88m)

There are two beech trees on this hole, one of the ordinary variety and one a dwarf copper beech. There is OB to the left and you are best to aim straight down the hill towards the hut and have your disc fade left to the hole.

Total 1662 m - par 54  (from the red tees 1433m)

Short Course


The short course has 15 holes averaging 45M that play on the adjacent field to the long course. The holes are alphabetised from A to O.